Providing the best ear, nose & throat care for adults and children since 1962
March 6, 2025

Provider Spotlight!

We will introduce you to an ENT Specialists, PC provider or staff member in each newsletter!

Patrick Farrell, MD

Dr. Patrick Farrell joined ENT Specialists in 2004.  He earned his undergraduate degree, cum laude, from Creighton University.  He earned his medical degree from the University of Nebraska Medical Center and also completed his residency in otolaryngology at UNMC.  Dr. Farrell is board certified in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, treating both children and adults.  He specializes in diseases of the nose and sinuses.

Dr. Farrell is married and has three sons that keep him quite active when he is not practicing medicine.  When he has free time, he enjoys playing golf.

Dr. Farrell sees adult and pediatric patients at the main ENT Specialists, PC clinic at the Regency location in Omaha, NE as well as clinics in Norfolk and O'Neill, Nebraska.

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For those who have frequent sinus problems, they understand the significant impact it can have on quality of life. 

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, which blocks the drainage of mucous from the body.  While nearly everyone will suffer from sinusitis temporarily (acute sinusitis), more people suffer from chronic sinusitis than from hypertension or arthritis.  Experts estimate that 37 million people are afflicted with sinusitis each year.

There are four sinuses that drain into each side of the nose.  Each sinus must maintain a continuous exchange of air (ventilation), as well as a clearance of the continuous production of mucous (drainage).  Obstruction of the outflow tract of the sinuses can lead to infection. This obstruction could be the result of swelling from a viral upper respiratory infection ("cold"), swelling from allergies, nasal polyps, deviation of the nasal septum, or failure of the sinus outflow tract to develop properly.

Symptoms of sinusitis include: headache, facial pain/pressure, nasal obstruction, diminished sense of smell and cough.  Additionally, sufferers of this disorder could incur fever, bad breath, fatigue and dental pain. Warm compresses are useful in relieving pain in the nose and sinuses.

Decongestants, antihistamines, steroid nose sprays, and allergy shots are attempts to help the lining of the upper respiratory system protect itself.

If you feel like you suffer from acute or chronic sinusitis, contact us today at (402) 397-0670 so we can help relieve your symptoms and improve your quality of life!

To obtain the best treatment, an ENT physician needs to properly assess the patient's history and symptoms.  Your doctor may recommend a special x-ray called a CT Scan in order to determine if there is a disease affecting the sinuses.  An operation to drain the sinuses and restore normal ventilation and drainage may be necessary in severe cases.

For more information on sinusitis or other ENT conditions, visit our web site,


Regular nasal-sinus irrigations can restore good health to your nasal and sinus membranes.  Nasal sinus washing is a method of regularly cleansing the nasal membranes of dusts, particulate matter, and allergens.  It is an effective way to loosen and mobilize nasal and sinus secretions from an allergic reaction, upper respiratory infections or increased secretions and crusting that can occur after nasal surgery.

You can purchase a nasal irrigation kit at the pharmacy section of any store. If you'd like to make your own nasal irrigation kit, visit our web site,, patient resources tab and look for the nasal irrigations brochure!


Many of you have recently completed surveys about the service and care you received in our clinic.  We have received several surveys indicating that patients are not aware of their financial options.  So, here's our financial policy!

Methods of Payment:

We accept cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.  Payment plans may be arranged on a pre-approved, individual basis.  Please discuss with our front office staff.


We accept most insurance plans, and as a courtesy to you, we will submit medical claims to your insurance company.  Any balance after the processing of our claim by your carrier is your responsibility. Your insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company.  We cannot bill your insurance company unless you give us your complete and up-to-date insurance information for commercial insurance as well as Medicare and Medicaid.

Please bring your insurance card to every appointment at ENT Specialists, PC.

All co-pays are due prior to your appointment at ENT Specialists, PC. Please remember that we are a specialist office so the copay will be the amount for a specialist.

When Surgery is scheduled:

If you have a contracted deductible from your insurance carrier, it is your responsibility to pay ENT Specialists, PC the dollar amount unfulfilled seven days prior to your scheduled surgery date. We reserve the right to cancel all elective surgical procedures if your deductible has not been paid prior to your surgery.


We offer an 18 month interest-free payment plan through Care Credit.  We also offer a 5% cash discount on the purchase of hearing aids.

The purchaser of hearing instruments (e.g. hearing aids) is financially responsible for the full payment of any charges that are denied or only partically covered by insurance. 

There is a 60-day trial period on hearing aids.  If hearing aids are returned during this time, the patient will receive a full refund.


All unpaid accounts will be forwarded to a collection agency after 90 days. 

You should sign a financial policy when you register for the first time at our clinic, and we request you to sign this form annually!

*Save the Date!*

Ken Stallons, MS, FAAA, audiologist at ENT Specialists, PC, will be holding a free lunch on April 27th at the Regency Marriott.  The lunch will focus on current hearing aid technology and will include a hearing consultation, 60 day trial period on hearing aids, and a demonstration of the ReSound Alera product.  If you would like to attend this informational no-pressure seminar and lunch, please call our office, 402-397-0670, and state you are RSVPing for the hearing aid lunch.  We will need your name, phone number and email.

Thank you for choosing ENT Specialists, PC for all your ear, nose, throat and hearing needs.  If you have any questions or need to schedule an appointment, please call 402-397-0670 or visit our web site,  Happy Easter & Spring!!

ENT Specialists, PC


ENT Specialists, PC: 720 North 129th Street - Omaha, NE 68154
ph: 402-397-0670 - email: