Creating Beautiful and Healthy Smiles


June17, 2010
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In this issue:

Early Screenings for Oral Cancer

In many parts of the world the first weeks of June is when families gather to celebrate the National Cancer Survivor Day. We want to join in recognizing and honoring the cancer survivors, and use the opportunity to share with you some important information regarding Oral Cancer.

Oral Cancer
Oral cancer is cancerous tissue that develops anywhere in the mouth and is actually part of a group of cancers called throat and neck cancers.

Risk Factors for Oral Cancer
Sometimes there is no explanation as to why one person gets oral cancer and another does not, however below you will find factors that significantly increase your risk of oral cancer:

  • Tobacco and Alcohol: The majority of cases of oral cancer are related to tobacco and alcohol use. Approximately 90% of people with mouth cancer are tobacco users.
  • Sun Exposure: Exposure to the sun can give you lip cancer, although the use of sunscreens and hats with a brim are helpful in prevention.
  • History of throat or neck cancer: People who have had another form of throat or neck cancer are more likely to develop a second cancer in the region.
  • HPV (Human Papilloma Virus): The most sexually transmitted virus in the US is now one of the primary risk factors.

Importance of Early Detection
Mouth cancers have a higher percentage of deaths per number of cases than breast cancer, melanoma and cervical cancer. Overall survival rate is 50%, but survival rates within stage 1 oral cancer are 90%, thus early detection is important. Make sure you visit us regularly for check ups, especially if you have any of the risk factors.

problems can start out small but can quickly worsen to become much more serious.  These problems are much easier to treat if they are caught early.

Don't miss our Theeth Whitening Summer Promotion, Valid until Sept 15.*

Have a great day!

Drs. McNeill and Waldbart

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Drs. McNeill and Waldbart: 4208 Bay to Bay Blvd.  - Tampa, FL 33629
ph: 813-837-3476 - email: